Monday, 17 May 2010

Allow Emotion

We live in a culture of supressed emotions.  I sometimes wonder if some people would like us to return to the children are seen but not heard days of living. 

I constantly hear parents telling their children "Stop crying your a big boy/girl,"  "Don't be upset," "Don't get angry."

Perhaps we could try a different way.  If your child is angry there is a reason.  If your child is frustrated there is a reason.  If your child cries there is a reason.  Showing emotions is good for everyone but especially children.

Just let them show the emotion and BE THERE for your child.  That's all, just BE THERE.  DO NOT find an answer and DO NOT try to make it better.  You child will learn from this experience.  They will learn they have parents who are there for them when they need it no matter what and they will learn how to deal with their emotions themselves.

As a law of attraction coach I strongly encourage strong emotion.  Of course I do want to see positive emotion as much as possible.  So why would I want parents to allow negative emotions?  Because if any emotion is silenced it becomes SUPRESSED.

If a negative emotion is allowed to run it's course supported by love and respect it will turn into a positive emotion very quickly. 

Happy Parenting.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Visualize a Happy Fun Loving Child

Visualizations are a powerful law of attraction tool.  Visualize your child being happy and fun loving.  Spend a few minutes each morning visualizing your child really enjoying life, laughing, smiling and being filled with love.  This is a powerful message to the universe about what you want for your child today and always.  Spending a few minutes each morning this way also helps you focus on loving your child and felling positive.  So no matter what mood your child wakes up in you will be able to love and support your child and move them to a more positive feeling quickly and calmly.  This has to be good.  However with this type of visualization the chances are your child will wake happy.

Have fun and experiment with different desires when visualizing. 

Happy Parenting

Monday, 10 May 2010

Kids and Food

I want to spend a few minutes today talking about kids and food.  This is still an area I have problems with.  I'm sort of torn between trusting Jack to make good choices for himself or taking the other route of limiting (if not removing) certain types of foods.

I have recently read two wonderful books which can both be downloaded.  Mood Food and The Happy Child Guide.  I have written about both here on this blog.  Both ebooks strongly suggest the removal of certain foods. 

I can certainly see how the removal of certain types of foods will benefit him and the rest of our family.  I do of course want what is best for all of us. 

I have also just finished reading a book called Radical Unschooling by Dayna Martin.  Whilst I do not Unschool my own son I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.  As most of you reading this will know I am a law of attraction life coach specialising in teaching parents, teachers and anyone involved in the care of children how to use The Law of Attraction.  Dayna is clearly a wonderful, positive LOA MUM.  The philosophy for unschooling is that children learn what they want/need whenever they choose.  I'm not going to go into this too much as it's relatively new to me.  Dayna does a fantastic job at explaining how how her family unschool and live.  The point I want to get to is this.  The Unschooling Philosphy also spreads to food.  Unschoolers allow children to eat what they want and when they want.  Dayna also points out that her children mostly choose to come to the family table to eat meals with her and her husband whic is something I want for my family too.

So do we only allow our children to eat a healthy diet with sugars etc, removed or allow your children to choose for themselves?  And allow them to have whatever they want.

As a LOA MUM (law of attractoin mum) I always want my child to know he can be, have and do anything he wants.  Telling my son he can't have and is not allowed completely goes against my law of attraction training.

So I have a choice to make. 

Here's what I decided.  I want my son to know anything is possible and he can have all he wants.  That doesn't mean I have to provide all that he wants.  That is up to the Universe to sort out.  Using the Mood Food Ebook and The Happy Child Guide I have taken all of the information within these books and presented the facts to Jack in an easy way he will understand.  I have talked with him about the sort of foods I am now going to choose to eat and we have talked about foods he really enjoys eating.  Together we have worked out a way that we are both happy with.  I have decided to provide a wonderful selection of healthy foods. I will look for alternatives to his favourite foods.  Jack is also allowed to ask for foods he wants which I will buy or I will simply tell him to ask The Universe for whatever he wants.  Like I said earlier, it's not up to me to provide Jack with everything he wants.  If he really wants it he'll attract it into his life by himself.
I am happy that my needs/desires are being met and Jack is able to make good choices for himself.  We talk a lot about how different foods make us feel.

One area of the food issue I do feel extremelly strongly about is the clean plate.  I have never ever made Jack clean his plate.  By this I mean eat everything on his plate that was given to him.  A child who carries on eating when they are already full just to please their parents and clean the plate will become overweight.  Perhaps not now but these beliefs will stay with them and they will almost certainly face weight issues later in life. 

Try offering small meals with a good mix of things your child likes. 

I have found that if plenty of healthy food is offered and snacks are provided to keep hunger at bay and Jack is not bored he is more than happy to eat the foods I want him to eat.  We do allow all types of food in our home but I choose to encourage foods I know help my son feel good.

I'd love to hear your veiws on this issue.  Click on the comment button below and share your thoughts. 

Click on the links below for more information about the books mentioned.

Mood Food

The Happy Child Guide

As with all books I talk about on this blog, please take what feels right to you and leave the rest alone. 

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The Happy Child Guide

I  love it when I get the chance to share a really great product with you.  In this case the product is The Happy Child Guide Ebook. 

The Ebook alone is really wonderful and works.  I love reading all kinds of parenting books, articles, etc.  I always tell parents I coach to take what suits them and leave the rest.  I believe getting Ideas from these books is wonderful but perhaps some of the advice in theses books will not be the best way for you and your family.  I recently read a wonderful parenting book which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I took some of the ideas aboard and gave them a go and others did not fit with my beliefs, so I let them go.  I always suggest you do the same.

The Happy Child Guide is in my opinion spot on.  It's just a really nice and happy way of parenting that works. 

The publishers are currently offering free bonuses worth around $200.  I am told they are only going to be offering these bonuses for a short time, so if you're interested I would encourage you to take advantage of this offer now so that you don't miss out on the extras. 

For more information on The Happy Child Guide Click Here!

Be sure to click on the free presentation at the bottom of the page.  It's fantastic.

Let me know what you think and enjoy.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Mood Food

These days we are bombarded with health advice, diet information, food advertising, etc.  It's really hard to know what is good for us and what is not. 

I would never ever recommend a child (or adult) diet to lose weight.  I think the impact of these diets is damaging both to self esteem and body image.  I do however believe we should all take good care of our bodies and what we put into it.  Coming from someone who has a sweet tooth this isn't always easy.  I have always tried to provide a balanced diet for my children and teach them the value of eating healthily.

When I first came across Mood Food I didn't pay too much attention.  I thought it was just for children with behaviour problems.  I came across these ebooks again some time later and took a closer look.  This time I was more interested.  Could the foods we give our children really have such a dramatic effect?

I decided to order Mood Food.  The order consists of two ebooks.  The first Mood Food explains what happens in our body and why we need to eat well and avoid certain types of foods.  I was really impressed with this book because it gave me a clear picture of what really happens.  I have to say it gave me a whole new approach to what I choose to eat and provide for my family.  Instead of simply saying these foods are bad for you they explain what they are doing to your body.  When you have facts like these it's much easier to make good choices for yourself and your children.

Book 2 - The Happy Kitchen is designed to help you set your kitchen up for a happy food lifestyle.  It's broken down so that you can make small changes over a period of time, which I love.  All great things in life start with small steps.  There are recipes included too. 

What I like most about this book is it's about feeling good.  It's about making small positive changes and bringing back real food. 

I'm just starting on organizing my kitchen with the help of The Happy Kitchen Ebook.  I've already made several small changes.  They were easy to make and introduce into our lives.  We are already seeing and feeling the difference. 

You can find outmore about Mood Food and The Happy Kitchen CLICK HERE!