Which is why Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan of the Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo have decided to re-post the interview they did with Izzy Kalman from Bullies to Buddies.
This was an often shocking interview that you will not want to miss. Many people (including myself) have shared how powerful Izzy's approach is...and the folks at Happier Kids Now want as many people as possible to hear it.
Only the other day Jack came home and was upset about a girl he was sitting next to in class who was being mean to him. I used the skills I had learned from Izzy in the recording to show Jack through role play how to handle the situation. He quickly picked up on how easy the technique was.
If you know ANYONE who has a child suffering from being bullied, or a child who is engaging in bullying behavior, please tell them to sign up right away so they can get access to this interview.
I'm not sure how long the free interview will be posted so tell them to hurry:
Plus, when you or a friend signs up, you'll also receive a copy of Patrick's ebook, "The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness" as a gift.
These interviews and materials are changing lives.
"Many of the speakers brought me to tears with their words of love and peace and healing. I hope that enough people will get this very important message and that it will change the world for children so that children can be safe and secure and happy." -Alysia
Please spread the word!
P.S. Sign up here to listen to Izzy Kalman's interview now - at no cost to you (there are other incredible Replays to listen to as well).

This class showed me a new learning for parenting and supported me while I learned concrete and effective parenting methods. positive parenting skills