Many of you will have heard of vision boards or story boards. A Genie Board is pretty much the same thing but for children. Most children like the idea of having their own personal genie who can grant wishes.
Here's what you need:
1 large sheet of card. Let your child pick the colour. Make it as big as possible.
Plain White card/paper.
Lots of brightly coloured pens/crayons
Lots of magazines/catalogues/old cards/photographs, etc
What to do:
(Your child may need some help with cutting and glueing etc, but I would ask you to please allow them to add whatever they want to the picture. It really doesn't matter if you think it's impossible or not. The important message here is that anything is possible and their are no limits)
1. Draw your Genie - Give him or her a name if you want. Colour the picture in with whatever colours you like.
2. Place your Genie in the centre of the coloured card.
3. Now cut out and glue pictures of all the things you want around the edges. Draw coloured lines from your Genie to your pictures/photo's etc.
4. You can also add words.
5. You can also add your own drawings to the board.
When you're finished put it up somewhere where you see it a lot.
Look at your board lots and pretend that you already have those things. How happy will you feel when you get them?
Have fun with your Genie Boards.
Perhaps you can send me in some pictures your own Genie Boards.
Note For Parents
Let your children run wild with their Genie Boards. Let them ask for anything they want.
It is not up to you to provide these things for your child and you certainly don't need to know where they will come from.
Next time you are out shopping with your child and he/she asks for the latest toy. Tell her it's great that she wants it. Then tell him/her to ask the Genie or put it on the Genie board.
Your child may add new pictures or take pictures off at any time. They may realise after a time that they're really not that interested in the latest toy and prefer something different.
If the board gets messy Just make a new one.
Important - Let your child decide what goes on the board. The idea is for them to believe anything is possible.
Before doing the Genie Board parents often say "But I know he/she will only put material items on the board."
Well so be it. If that's all they can think of that's fine.
You can however make sure their are plenty of pictures of happy families, friends, words like love, friends, available.
If they don't choose these that's fine too.
A good idea is to do your own Genie Board.
You can add things connected to friends, family, love, spirituality, walks in beautiful parks, family get togethers, images of a beautiful garden etc.
As you work along side each other chat about your own Genie Board and ask questions about theirs too.
I hope you have a great time.
Share your comments below and please send me your pictures of your Genie boards or pictures of you making them.
Email me at
Big, Big Dreams are always worth having.