Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Do You Need An Energy Boost?

I love Christmas but it can be super draining on our energy levels.  Take a look at my energy boosting idea.
Get an energy boost?

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Praise Your Children

Look for things to praise your children for.  So many parent (including me sometimes) spend so much time focusing on what their child is doing wrong they completely miss the things they do that are fine, great, wonderful.

When your child uses good manners, acknowledge it.  When your child plays nicely acknowledge it.  You get the idea.

Make your praise genuine or your kids will know.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Narnie And A Wonderful Evening.

Well it's been a short week for us here in Menorca as we've had fiesta's Monday and Wednesday.  Jack was off school til Thursday.  We went to see the new Narnia film.  It was brilliant.  I can always remember when my sister bought Jack the first of the (new) Narnia films on DVD.  A friend said "He'll either love it or hate it."  I was pretty sure he'd love it as I had done as a child.  He did.  It's a magical film of wonder and suprises.  It ticks all the boxes for me and obviously Jack too. 

After the film Jack asked if we could go into the play zone.  They have a variety of games that give you tickets depending on how well you've done.  We played a couple and then he spotted the duck game.  You have to knock over as many ducks as you can.  For each duck you get a ticket.  The machine was churning out tickets that fast and Jack was having so much fun, I couldn't resist handing him money for another go.  He put the coin in and nothing happened.  He politely went over to the desk and told the man.  He chatted to the man all the way back to the machine and thanked him when he'd mended it.  The man realised that the machine at the side of us was out of tickets.  He opened it up and pulled out a load of tickets that were jammed and handed them to Jack.  Jack's eyes lit up with excitement. 

When we counted up the tickets at the end of Jacks game we had enough to get a gorgeous Christmas reindeer (a soft squishy toy one).  That left Jack with 30 tickets left over.  He politely asked if he could get anything with 30 tickets. The man asked him if he would like a santa hat.  Jack was delighted as he knew the hats were supposed to be 150 tickets.  Not only did Jack get the hat, he also got the 30 tickets to keep for the next visit.  We both agreed that he was a very nice man and thanked him again before leaving.

It just goes to show being polite and friendly goes a long, long way. 

Have a wonderful week.  Have fun.

Wendy x

Monday, 15 November 2010

Decide What's Important And Set Clear Guidelines (House Rules)

All families are different.  We all have different things that are important to us and we all have different commitments such as work, school activities, etc. Only you the parent/s can decide what house rules fit your own family.

NOTE: I am a firm believer in doing what works for you and your family.  What works wonderfully for the Jones family across the road could be a very bad match for your own family. 

Top Tips

  • Sit down and decide what is important to you.  Perhaps early bedtimes and healthy meals are important to you but sitting at the table isn't.  Only you can decide.
  • Once you know what's important set your house rules. Don't go overboard though.  Nobody likes every minute of the day to be taken up by rules. 
  • Let everyone in the household know the house rules.  Be clear about what each rule means and give examples whenever possible.
  • Stick to the rules.  Kids and teens need consistency. 
  • Evaluate the rules every few months to see if they still fit your family.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

The New Harry Potter Film

I'm so excited about the new Harry Potter film.  It's amazing to think that I took our older son to see the first one when I was pregnant with Jack.  Jacks 9 now and can't wait to see if SNAPE really is the bad guy.  I think he'll turn out to be good after all. 

I heard yesterday that J.K. Rowling has hinted there could be another film.  I know this one is in two parts but really as much as I love them I hope that's the end of it. 

These Harry Potter items make great Christmas presents

Monday, 8 November 2010

Free Coaching Session

I'm feeling generous. For 1 week I'm offering you the chance to get 1 free email coaching session for free. You can use the session to focus on any area of your life.

Email me at and let me know you want to take up this offer.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Bullies To Buddies

The media is finally giving attention to something that has needed attention for decades: Bullying. The more people talk about this serious problem...the faster we can help children who are being bullied (and children who are doing the bullying as well).

Which is why Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan of the Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo have decided to re-post the interview they did with Izzy Kalman from Bullies to Buddies.

This was an often shocking interview that you will not want to miss. Many people (including myself) have shared how powerful Izzy's approach is...and the folks at Happier Kids Now want as many people as possible to hear it.

Only the other day Jack came home and was upset about a girl he was sitting next to in class who was being mean to him.  I used the skills I had learned from Izzy in the recording to show Jack through role play how to handle the situation.  He quickly picked up on how easy the technique was.

If you know ANYONE who has a child suffering from being bullied, or a child who is engaging in bullying behavior, please tell them to sign up right away so they can get access to this interview.

I'm not sure how long the free interview will be posted so tell them to hurry:

Plus, when you or a friend signs up, you'll also receive a copy of Patrick's ebook, "The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness" as a gift.

These interviews and materials are changing lives.

"Many of the speakers brought me to tears with their words of love and peace and healing. I hope that enough people will get this very important message and that it will change the world for children so that children can be safe and secure and happy." -Alysia

Please spread the word!


P.S. Sign up here to listen to Izzy Kalman's interview now - at no cost to you (there are other incredible Replays to listen to as well).

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Halloween Ideas

We love Halloween.  We've got the pumpkin ready and Jack's got his candy bag to take away with us.  He's a little dissapointed that he won't get to trick or treat this year as we'll be away.  Were going to have a little party when we get back instead.  It will be late but he'll still have fun.  I'm going to make some of the party treats from Kellogs listed below and of course we can still decorate and make our home a spooky hideaway.

Have a frightfully fantastic time this halloween.


Check out these funky and delicious halloween treats from Kellog's

Check out Activity Village for a load of ideas for halloween.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Please Vote For Me

Hi, As you know I've been following the Happier Kids Now Online Expo.  All the speakers have now been on (but there's still lots going on).  Anyway Patrick and Rhonda are now running a contest.  I had to let them know what were the Aha moments for me.  I've added a comment and to be in with a chance to win I'd like you to come and vote for me (Wendy Tomlinson).  Go to  You'll also be able to find out more about The Happier Kids Online Expo and the speakers.


Wendy x

Friday, 22 October 2010

Wouldn't It Be Great If...

Here's a wonderful game you can play anywhere and anytime with your kids.

Wouldn't it be great if...

Let your own imagination run wild and teach your children to think big.

  • Wouldn't it be great if we could close our eyes and imagine the palce we want to go to and instantly transport ourselves there. 
  • Wouldn't it be great if we could fly. 
  • Wouldn't it be great if we could draw a picture of something and click our fingers to make it appear. 

Your kids will come up with some fascinating ideas.  We recently played a similar version of this game.  My eldest son who's now 22 asked "What superpower would you most want to have?" Then "What would your superpowered pet be able to do?"  Even big kids love this game.  It's a firm family favourite with us.

The car is a great place to play these games.  Make sure everyone gets a turn to play. 

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Top Ten Tips For A Happy Bedtime

  1. Quiet time before bed.
  2. A drink and light snack.
  3. A warm bath (we have special aromatherapy bath products)
  4. A cuddle.
  5. Chat about the good things that have happened today.
  6. Chat about the next day.
  7. A stroy.
  8. A nightlight.
  9. Play some calm music, songs or a story when you leave the room.
  10. Tell your child you love them.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Happiness -Yes Please!

I've just listened To Christine Carter Ph.D.  Author of Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents on The Happier Kids Now Online Expo.

Up until today I knew nothing about Christine.  She was just a name on the speakers list.

I have been so busy this week and I am now trying to catch up on the replays from this week (Christine was a speaker on Tuesday). 

I was so impressed, what a real parent this lady is.  Very honest and incredibly helpful.  I picked up some fab ideas I can quickly implement with Jack (9). 

I'll tell you what I liked so much.  She's not selling herself as the perfect parent that so many parenting experts do.  There was something about her that I really connected with.

You can listen to the replay by signing up for The Happier Kids Now Online Expo Click Here The Expo is Free and there are still lots more fantastic speakers to come.

Find out about Christine's Book Raising Happiness.  I've already ordered my copy.

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

Monday, 11 October 2010

Rainy Days, Family Time and Happy Kids.

Well it looks like summer is well and truely over here in Menorca.  We always get our fair share of rain towards the end of October.  I have to admit I quite like it after such a long hot summer.  I love snuggling up on the sofa on a rainy day and watching films, reading, playing board games, challenging Jack on wii games, baking... What are your favourite things to do on a rainy day?  If you have some fun activities, please share them with us.

It's a fiesta here in Spain tomorrow and our eldest son is arriving later today, so I'm looking forward to some family time together.  We're going to go out to our favourite restaurant.  Lunch time eating is big business here.  We love to have the Menu del dia's.  It's a 3 course meal typical of Spain.  They are usually really reasonable prices and you get to try things you probably wouldn't order from a normal menu.  I love the typical Spanish restaurants, they're busy, full of chatter and most importantly for me children are always very welcome. 

I'm loving the Happier Kids Now Online Expo, I know I'm kind of going on a lot about this but I am so impressed.  I knew it was going to be good just because I know the people who've organized it are amazing and I was already familiar with some of the speakers but wow, I have been amazed at how brilliant each speaker has been. 

Here's a quick run through of this weeks speakers.

Monday 11th October

Debbie Godfrey – Redirecting Children’s Behavior

John Seeley –  Helping Your Kids Get Unstuck

Tuesday 12th October

Christine Carter, PhD – Emotional Literacy and Raising Happy Kids

Bruce Lipton, PhD – The Science of Conscious Parenting


Robin Sharma - Inspiring Our Future Leaders

Bob Doyle – Modeling Happiness – It Starts With You

Thursday 14th October

Dr. Dan Yachter –  Child Obesity, ADHD, Medications and Vaccinations
Rhonda Ryder – The Law of Attraction and Parenting

Friday 15th

Randy Taran – Happy Teachers = Happy and More Successful Students

If you haven't signed up yet go to

the Online Expo is free and well woth every minute of your time.

Happy Parenting.

Wendy xx

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Today's Speakers on the Happier Kids Now Online Expo

I just wanted to add a little note to keep you up to date with The Happier Kids Now Online Exo.

Today's Speakers are:

Scott Noelle: HELP! I'm Turning Into My Parents

Steve Sisgold: Discover Your Child's Body Wisdom

Here's the link to sign up.  It's free.

You can also listen to the replays for previous days too.

Happy Parenting

Wendy xx

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Happier Kids Now Calendar Of Speakers

The Happier Kids Now Online Expo is now in full swing with an amazing line up of speakers.  All you need to do to take part is click on the link below and follow the instructions.  It's free and it's amazing.  Anyway I'm going to keep this short so that you've got time to head over and see for yourself. 

Here's the link

Once you sign up you'll get a free EBook and there will be a link to the calendar.  If you hurry you should still be able to listen to replays of the speakers that have already been on. 

Today's speakers are Dr. Joe Rubino and Marianne Williamson.

Happy Parenting

Have fun

Wendy xx

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Is It Going To Be A Fun Day Or A Miserable Day?

On the way to school this morning Jack announced "Today is going to be a miserable day".  My mind instantly went into overdrive.  As a LOA mum, the last thing I want him to say is he's going to have a miserable day.  After all expecting a miserable day will attract a miserable day.

Think today will be miserable and it probably will be.
Think today is going to be a fun and happy day, it probably will be.

Here's the story behind this statement from by 9 year old son. 

Yesterday at school he was playing with some friends and reading between the lines they got a little carried away and the teacher told them they had to miss patio time (playtime) for a week. 

I've never really understood removing patio time but that's another story.

Anyway, so that's the reason he thought today was going to be miserable.  As far as Jack is concerned Patio time is the best part of the school day.  How can it possible be fun if this pleasure is removed.

After a quick reminder to think of what he wants instead of what he doesn't want, here's what I said:

"Today could be the day that something amazing happens inside and because you're not out in the patio you'll get to see it".

It goes on.

"Or, you're teacher might have got abducted by aliens last night and has had her memory wiped clean so that she can't remember that you're supposed to stay in at patio time".

And there's more.

"Or, you're classroom might suddenly transform into an enchanted world.  It only happens on certain days of the year in certain classrooms around the world and today it might be your classroom".

By this time Jack was laughing and coming up with his own ideas.

Okay my what could happen ideas are a bit bizzare but they made my son laugh as I knew they would and he went to school feeling happy about the day.  So even if he does have to stay in he'll be thinking of the fun ideas we came up with on the journey to school.

We don't always have to be realistic with our kids.  A little imagination goes a long way.

Happy Parenting

Wendy xx

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Growing Happy Kids Author (new video!)

Wow, I'm adding a link below for a terrific video from Maureen Healy, one of the featured speakers on The Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo.

If you haven’t signed up for the free event yet, so you can get access to the amazing speakers such as Bob Proctor, Marianne Williamson, Sonia Choquette, Dr. Joe Rubino, Bruce Lipton, Bob Doyle and more…you can do so on the video blog.

Plus you’ll get a copy of Happier Kids Now Co-Founder’s ebook, The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness when you do.

Here’s the link to the video…

Maureen is the founder of Growing Happy Kids and author of "365 Perfect Things to Say to Your Kids."

In this video, Maureen shares her Morning Mottos with you which will give you plenty of ideas on how to teach young kids how to say powerful words to themselves...and get in touch with how amazing they are.

Some teachers are using this technique in the classroom. See what you think!

Happy parenting

Wendy x

Oh, before I go - When you go to the video blog, don’t forget to sign up for the Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo if you haven't done so already!

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Chance To Get Free Coaching From A Happier Kids Now Expert.

The Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo has got an incredible line-up of speakers!

Have you signed up yet? It's free!

Here's just a FEW of the experts and their topics:

Scott Noelle - Help! I'm Turning Into My Parents!

Bob Proctor - Getting Out of The Way of Your Child's Greatness

Marci Shimoff - Happiness Secrets for Parents and Teachers

Bruce Lipton, PhD - The Science of Conscious Parenting

Marianne Williamson - Honoring Your Child's Spirit

Robin Sharma - Inspiring Our Future Leaders

Sonia Choquette - Bringing Intuition Home to Your Family

Bob Doyle - Modeling Happiness

Dr. Dan Yachter - Child Obesity, ADHD & Medications

Shelly Lefkoe - Nipping Negative Beliefs In The Bud

Randy Taran - Happy Teachers Equals More Successful Kids

Dr. Joe Rubino - Develop Soaring Self-Esteem in Kids

Rhonda Ryder - Law of Attraction and Parenting

Christine Carter, PhD - Emotional Literacy

Izzy Kalman - Transforming Bullies into Buddies

Patrick McMillan - An Emotional Fitness Program for Kids

Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan have been working on this Virtual Expo for nearly a year and they have done an incredible job bringing all of these experts together.

If you haven't done so already, sign up here to get your free access PLUS your complimentary ebook, Patrick McMillan's The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness.

Also, they have a special offer going on right now for 500 people...that I wanted to make sure you knew about. Tens of thousands of people are going to see this - so I wanted to share it with you while there's still time.

You see, Rhonda and Patrick have not only assembled a dream team of 26 experts speaking about matters so important to us as parents, teachers and influencers of children, they have also assembled an impressive list of twenty parenting and relationships coaches.

And so, if you decide to act on the special offer while it's still available, you will also receive a complimentary 30-minute parenting or relationship coaching session with your choice of over 17 amazing coaches.

Plus,if you are one of the 500, you will also receive - at zero cost -Rhonda's program which includes another 5 hours of training with 10 parents who are raising happy kids by using leading-edge parenting techniques.

When you sign up for your free access to the Expo, you will receive the details on the special upgrade opportunity in case this is something you want (before the big flood of parents and teachers jump on it).

So if you haven't done so already, sign up here for your free access to The Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo and your complimentary ebook now:

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Why Teens Rebel (it's not what you think - new video)

Things are really getting exciting over at The Happier Kids Now 2010 Expo, especially with the addition of Bob Proctor to their list of fabulous experts – all joining together to talk about the most important job in the world:

Raising Happy Kids and Teens!

The Expo takes place October 4 – October 21 – so if you haven’t done so already, make sure you go ahead and sign up for access.

It’s free!

Plus, you’ll get a copy of Happier Kids Now Co-founder Patrick McMillan’s ebook, The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness when you do.


Also, when you click on this link, you'll see a new video from Bob Doyle.

Patrick had the chance to sit down and do a video interview with Bob, one of the featured experts in the Happier Kids Now Online Expo.

Bob is a personal transformation expert and a father of three, AND a featured expert in the movie The Secret. Since 2002, his Wealth Beyond Reason and Boundless Living programs have allowed thousands
of people to reclaim their destiny and begin creating lives of true abundance and fulfillment.

Here’s just a taste of what Patrick discusses with Bob in the video:

**Why teenagers rebel (and it’s not what you think).

**How managing your emotions is the best way to help kids and teens learn the skills needed to lead an emotional healthy and fulfilled life.

**How to encourage your kids’ dreams, goals and passions (instead of squashing their spirit – despite your best intentions).

**What kids are REALLY learning from watching TV.

**The teacher’s role in a child’s life.

Check it out! It’s a great video and a rare opportunity to hear Bob talk about his views on kids and teens…and his own experience with his own children.

Here’s the link to the video again for your viewing pleasure.

Enjoy! And don't forget to sign up for the Expo plus the free ebook if you haven't already done so!

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

Monday, 27 September 2010

Law of Attraction EBook Available Now!

Yeah, finally I can tell you that my law of attraction Ebook is complete and available at

Whilst this isn't a parenting book I wanted to share my exciting news with you.  As many of you will know I am a LOA MUM.  I share the law of attraction with my own son (he's 9).  I am a life skills coach and a law of attraction practitioner.  I love sharing my knowledge with others through my coaching, blogs, website, courses and now this EBook.

It's packed with exercises to help you achieve success in ALL areas of life. 

I hope you enjoy reading and using this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Happy living


Guaranteed to Help Your Kids Live a Happy Life! (new video)

Wow, I can't believe we've been given yet another free video from the people at Happier Kids Now. 
Every morning before they leave for school, single dad Patrick McMillan and his two boys, Liam (9) and Hayden (12) do this one Gratitude Activity.

Listen to Patrick tell you all about it in his new video (it’s only 4 minutes):

Do they miss a morning here and there? Occasionally. But for the most part, this is their practice.

They each own a “Gratitude Journal” and every morning they think of five to ten things they are grateful for and write it down.

This is a great way to start your day. Try it – you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your mood. Then you can teach this simple process to your kids.

Just imagine if we started teaching our children how to focus on what they are grateful for. By the time they got to be teenagers, perhaps it would seem like second-nature.

Did you know it’s been scientifically proven that people who do this one Gratitude activity…

**Live longer

**Experience less illness

**Have longer lasting and more meaningful relationships

**Are more successful in business and academics

**Enjoy a greater satisfaction with their life

Find out what Gratitude Activity this is by watching the video so you can help your kids develop life-long habits of gratitude.

This video has been shared with us by Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan ~Your Happier Kids Now Expo Hosts

I love this video and and so thankful to Rhonda and Patrick

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

P.S. Check out the Speaker Calendar to find out the speakers and their topics during the Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo – Oct 4 – Oct 21. Webcast and call-in details will be emailed to you prior to each call.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Self Esteem Video For Kids

Wow, the organizer's of The Happier Kids Online Expo are really being generous right now.  Yesterday we received the wonderful free EBook (The ultimate kid's guide to happiness) and today they're sharing brilliant video to help with boosting our kids self esteem.

You can pick up  a copy right here

The video is by one of the Speakers on the Online EXPO - Shelly Lefkoe.

So simple yet so powerful.  Please take a few minuts right now to watch the video.  I know you'll be pleased you did.

Here's to happy parents and kid's everywhere.

Wendy x

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Free Ebook plus FREE access to Happier Kids Now Expo

This is so exciting.  You may remember a little while ago I told you about an up and coming event.  It's called The Happier Kids Now Online Expo.
The Happier Kids Now Online Expo is a FREE Interview Series hosted by Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan providing a wealth of life-changing information from 24 happiness, self-esteem, health and education experts.

It’s specifically designed for parents, teachers and homeschoolers.

And, when you sign up for access to the event (at zero cost!), you’ll receive a complimentary copy of Patrick’s popular Ebook, The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness.

The line-up of speakers is incredible and includes Bruce Lipton, PhD; Marianne Williamson; Bob Doyle; Marci Shimoff, Sonia Choquette; Christine Carter, PhD, Shelly Lefkoe, Dr. Dan Yachter…plus 16 more!

These leaders will cover current challenges such as child obesity; child/teen depression; ADHD, autism and nutrition; how to help kids do better in school…and solutions such as teaching kids the power of their minds; emotional intelligence, character building, positive parenting and so much more.

As you probably would agree, many parents and teachers are stressed out and overwhelmed these days. This leaves its toll on kids and teens.

Plus, statistics show childhood anxiety and depression levels are rising at alarming rates.

Giving parents and teachers the strategies and tools to instill optimism and self-confidence in their children and teens is the mission of the Happier Kids Now Online Expo.

So don’t miss out. Grab your totally FREE Online Pass to this amazing event – plus grab Patrick’s Ebook now!

Happy Parenting


P.S. Help spread the word about this event. Please share this email with every parent and teacher you know!

Saturday, 18 September 2010


Hi Everyone,

I'm so excited to tell you my news.  I have just launched LOA SHOP
I love discovering new law of attraction (and related) products, so I decided it was time to share my products/resources and products/resources I use. 

I hope you'll come along and visit us and keep coming back.  I'll be adding regularly.

There's a special catagory (see left hand side) just for Parents and Kids.

Check out LOA SHOP at

I hope you enjoy shopping with us.


Thursday, 16 September 2010

Confidence is Growing

I'm feeling very pleased with my little man this morning.  He decided he wanted to walk to school by himself.  Well when I say that, what I actually mean is I drive him to school (we live too far from school to walk or bike) and park up in the nearby car park.  I walked with him to the crossing by the school and then he went in by himself which meant he also had around 10 minutes in the playground by himself. 

For Jack this is a major breakthrough and a sure sign of growing confidence.  I have to say I thought I could be walking him into school at 16. 

But you know what that would have been fine too.  All kids are different and that's how it should be.  Who wants a load of clones?  Sure most of the kids have been going in by themselves for ages now but there are still others who want their parents to wait with them.  Our children will be adults before we know it.  There's no rush. 

Please don't rush your children into growing up.  They will do it when they are good and ready.  They will feel good about the move from little kid to big kid and so will you, even if the thought of them no longer needing you is a little scary.

Confidence building tips:
  • Let your child know you support their choices
  • Encourage your child to be himself/herself
  • Encourage your child to talk about friends, school, likes, dislikes, feelings...
  • LISTEN.  Letting your child know they are important enough to give them all of your attention for a while gives kids a huge confidence boost.
  • Make things fun
  • Give lots of genuine praise
Happy Parenting


Monday, 13 September 2010

First Day Back To School.

Today is Jack's first day back to school.  He's still at the same school but he's got a new classroom (in THE BIG KIDS side of the school), a new teacher and the kids were all mixed up this year, so he's with some new kids and some from last years class.  Thankfully he's got his two best friends from last year with him. 

We had to go and wait in a new playground (patio) and Jack's teacher from last year came along to take Jack and his old class to their new rooms.

It was really emotional and I'm counting down the minutes until I can go and collect him.  It feels like a whole new chapter to our lives is starting and I suppose this is the start of Jack becoming A BIG KID too.  I'm pleased and a little bit sad.  I'm also looking forward to seeing what this new chapter will bring us.  It's that in between stage between being a kid and becoming a teenager. 

I'm off now to start getting ready for the school run.  Yes, I am 15 minutes early still but I can't wait any longer.

Have fun

Wendy x

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Goals For Kids

Now is a great time to help your kids set goals for the coming school year.  I've been using GO FOR GOALS for a couple of years now and Both my son and I love the fun exercises. 

As a law of attraction coach and an LOA MUM I have often thought about writing an E-Book for childen but I have to say I'd rather just tell you about this E-Book instead.  It's brilliant and it works.

I became an affiliate for Go for Goals shortly after I started to use it with my own son.  I was that impressed.  So this is how it works.  I tell you how great it is, if you like the sound of it click on the image below or this link you can read more information about the E-Books and if you decide to buy them I get a thank you cheque for telling you about Go for Goal.  So I'm happy and I'm pretty sure you'll be happy too. 

You win and I win. Most importantly our kids win.

So what have you got to loose, click on the image or link to read more.

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

You Are The Best Person To Decide What's Right For Your Family

You know what?  When I was a new mum I was bombarded with information on how to be the best parent.  I had well meaning advice from friends, family and of course the professional advice from the health visitor.  You get the idea I'm sure. 

Result - A very confused new mum.

I tried to do what I thought other people expected me to do.  I did this for the first 4 years of my sons life before I woke up and realised that I didn't need to try and please anyone else.

My point is, as parents we are the best people to know what is right for our families. Once I worked that out I became a much happier mum. 

You see what's right for the super mum next door and her perfect family is not what's right for you.  And what was right for your own parents almost certainly will not fit with your own family.  I had a great childhood and great parents but that still doesn't mean their way works for me and my family.

Do what works for you and your family and enjoy being the best parent you can be for YOUR KIDS.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Discipline - My Style

Wow, I can't believe we're already in September.  Although I have to say I'm thankful for the slightly cooler weather now.  I hope your still enjoying what's left of the summer holidays.

I was asked to write a series of How To... articles recently.  The idea is that the company gives me a title and I write an article for them.  I had 3 articles to complete this week.  The first two were no problem but the final one took a lot more though for me.  You see the title was HOW TO DISCIPINE CHILDREN.  I have to admit this is not an article title I wouyld ever have chosen myself but that's what it was and I needed to write an article. 
After several false starts I eventually wrote, what I conscider to be a great article.  Today I want to share a brief outline of "My style of discipline for children."

  • Only you know what works in your family and what's important to you.
  • Decide what is important and make them ground rules
  • Let your children know what the ground rules are.  Be clear about what you want
  • Be flexible (OCCASSIONALLY the ground rules can bend)
  • Be fair
  • Praise your child
  • Lead by example (be a great role model)
  • Make time for fun
  • Make time to really listen
If your child does misbehave:
  • Look at your own behaviour first.  Is your child reacting to your behaviour?
  • Do they need something?  Food, drink, a hug, sleep...
  • Tell them what you want and keep repeating/reminding.
  • Find out why?  Sometimes your child will simply find what they are doing fun.  If it's not okay with you explain why.
  • Say thank you for the behaviour you want
  • No means No.  If you say no, then mean it and stick to it.
  • Time out.  Time away from what they want to do in a safe place next to you, to calm down.
  • Reminder of what you want
  • ALWAYS treat your child with LOVE, KINDNESS and RESPECT
For me the last point is the most important.  Always treat your child with love, kindness and respect.  This is the way they learn to treat you, their friends and others they meet the same way.

I really hope you enjoy today's post.  As always please feel free to contact me on

Happy parenting


P.S. I love to hear from you.  Please leave your comments below.  I always read them.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Go With The Flow

Wow, what a great day we had yesterday for JM's birthday.  It was a day of allowing for me.  I have to admit I normally want everything planned but this year I decided to go with the flow.  Nothing happened the way I thought it would but that was okay.  The party started at 1pm not 1.30 as I had planned and that was okay.  Some people arrived very late and that was okay.  Some people didn't stay as long as we expected and that was okay too.  The party went on until 6pm and JM told me it was the best birthday ever. 
When we allow the Universe to deliver what it knows to be the best for us instead of having to do what we think is best for us we have an AWESOME TIME.

Thank you Universe.


Monday, 23 August 2010


It's birthday week.  JM will be 9 years old on Thursday.  He's growing up so fast.  Today we've been party shopping.  We're having his party at home (his choice) and he's invited a fantastic mix of friends.  I am happy to say that my son has friends ranging from little tots to people in their late 70's and loves spending time with them all.  We have around 15 children coming and 15-20 adults. 

So today we've bought a piñata and loads of toys and sweets to go inside.  We bought ballons, and shiny flag banners to decorate the garden, Wall.E plates and cups.  I managed to talk him out of the loud noisey hooter things as I thought the neighbours wouldn't appreciate the noise.

I managed to get some of the party food today but the rest will have to wait until Wednesday.  Thank goodness Granny is flying in Wednesday morning to help. 

Well I'd better get off.  Lots to do this week

Have a fabulous week and have FUN!


Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Happy Kids EXPO

Every now and again I receive information that stops me in my tracks. This morning I received an an email telling me about the Happier Kids Now Online EXPO.  It looks great.  I've already watched a fabulous interveiw with BOB DOYLE (from the secret)  and I have more to watch later.  Anyway I really wanted to share this with you all.  Just click on the link below to find out why I'm making a fuss about this.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

I'm Declaring Today a HUG A LOT DAY

It's official. Well sort of. We've had a hectic few weeks, lots of family visiting, fiestas (village party, late nights, rubbish food and fizzy drinks. What a combination. A time bomb in the making.

I have to admit I was getting a little stressed and a few raised voices were to be heard in our home.

However we reached breaking point the other day and I could see I was letting my son down big style. He was being told off constantly yet my husband and I were not providing what he needs to be at his best.

After a long chat with my husband and a diet, sleep rethink we are back on track.

He's almost back to his normal self. Except for still being tired. So that's why I'm declaring today a HUG A LOT DAY.

Happy Parenting (sometimes takes a major rethink)



Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Happy Summer Holidays

Jack has started his summer holidays now and we're all so excited.  I know many of my readers homeschool and don't follow a strict school year but I want to wish each and every one of you a wonderful, fun filled, love filled summer. 
It's really common where I live to send children to summer school but whilst I think the organizers of many of the summer schools on offer put in a great deal of work it's not for us.  I asked Jack if he wanted to go and he said "NO!".  Thant's enough for me. 
I did send him a few years for part of the summer when we first lived here so that he would keep up with the language but now he's fluent and mixes well out of school.  The first year I kept him off for the whole of the summer (almost 3 months) people were full of comments like "You'll regret it," "He'll be bored in a couple of weeks".  Well we loved it and we are all looking forward to having an amazing summer. 
We have a small speadboat which is kept a few minutes walk from our home.  Yesterday my husband finished work early and off we went for the day.  It was completely spur of the moment and the freedom of having no time restraints was fantastic.
We're making a family summer 2010 book as we go along.  Lots of photo's and messages.  Then at the end of the summer we are going to have it made into a real book.  Jack is in charge of putting it all together and writing most of the messages.  We made one last year on in a notebook.  We wanted it to be a bit more grown up for Jack to do this year.  We haven't told him we're going to have it made into a real book yet.  It can be his end of summer suprise.
Whatever your summer plans are I hope you have lots of fun and thoroughly enjoy your family time together.

Happy parenting

Wendy x

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Ask For What You Want

In law of attraction terms it is essential to ask for what you want and focus your attention on that.
When dealing with children this is especially important.  Today I have added a new article on my Videojug Pages site - Law of Attraction parenting.  I am so excited about being a founder member and I think this is a great sharing idea.  You can read my latest article (page) at 

You can support me by following each site.  I have two so far.  You can also click the like button for each page and I lways love comments.

Happy Parenting x

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Law of Attraction Articles on Videojug

I was recently invited to become a founding member of the new Videojug Pages.  Videojug has been around for quite a while now.  It's the pages that's new. 

I have set up two sites so far.  One is general law of attraction information and the other is a law of attraction parenting site.

Please come and support me.
  • Read my free articles and check back regularly.  I will be adding lots over the next few weeks.
  • Click on the follow site button
  • Click the like button on each page (article)
  • Leave a comment.  I love comments.
You can find my Videojug pages sites at

I hope you enjoy learning more about the law of attraction and law of attraction parenting.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Hands Up Who Feels Frazzled!

Go on put your hands up if you're feeling frazzled.  I can't show you but believe me I have both hands up in the air.  Yep, positive parent, LOA (law of attraction) mum that I am, I still have those days where I get frazzled and today is one of them.  I have tooth ache and a list of jobs still to do before I collect Jack from school.  When I tell people that I have a positive parenting blog and I promote using the law of attraction in all areas of life including parenting, oh and I'm a life coach too, they assume I have everything under control 24 hours a day, everything runs smoothly and all is calm.  They seem to think I float through life on a cloud.  Well let me set the record straight.  I, although I tell my husband I am, am NOT perfect and my life is not always perfect.  I love my life and every year it gets better and better but hey, I'm only human.  And my mostly adorable 8 year old son is also only human. 
I was tired yesterday and so was he.  After I over reacted at something he'd done in the garden he marched inside and locked the door behind him.  I can tell you I saw no funny side to this at the time.  We were both grumpy until bedtime.  This morning was slightly better but not much.  So once I've posted this link I'm going to make myself a drink, take myself off into the garden and sit in the sun for a while.  Yes, I know the jobs will still need doing.  I'm going to listen to one of my favourite hypnosis downloads.  I haven't decided which one yet - I might go for my see the funny side download because when I get frazzled I don't tend to see the funny side of anything.  Hmm, yes this one will do the trick nicely.  To be honest, all the downloads are so relaxing any would do the trick.

If you want to find out more go to
There are absolutely loads to choose from and some come in packs to save money.  That's what I usually do.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Allow Emotion

We live in a culture of supressed emotions.  I sometimes wonder if some people would like us to return to the children are seen but not heard days of living. 

I constantly hear parents telling their children "Stop crying your a big boy/girl,"  "Don't be upset," "Don't get angry."

Perhaps we could try a different way.  If your child is angry there is a reason.  If your child is frustrated there is a reason.  If your child cries there is a reason.  Showing emotions is good for everyone but especially children.

Just let them show the emotion and BE THERE for your child.  That's all, just BE THERE.  DO NOT find an answer and DO NOT try to make it better.  You child will learn from this experience.  They will learn they have parents who are there for them when they need it no matter what and they will learn how to deal with their emotions themselves.

As a law of attraction coach I strongly encourage strong emotion.  Of course I do want to see positive emotion as much as possible.  So why would I want parents to allow negative emotions?  Because if any emotion is silenced it becomes SUPRESSED.

If a negative emotion is allowed to run it's course supported by love and respect it will turn into a positive emotion very quickly. 

Happy Parenting.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Visualize a Happy Fun Loving Child

Visualizations are a powerful law of attraction tool.  Visualize your child being happy and fun loving.  Spend a few minutes each morning visualizing your child really enjoying life, laughing, smiling and being filled with love.  This is a powerful message to the universe about what you want for your child today and always.  Spending a few minutes each morning this way also helps you focus on loving your child and felling positive.  So no matter what mood your child wakes up in you will be able to love and support your child and move them to a more positive feeling quickly and calmly.  This has to be good.  However with this type of visualization the chances are your child will wake happy.

Have fun and experiment with different desires when visualizing. 

Happy Parenting

Monday, 10 May 2010

Kids and Food

I want to spend a few minutes today talking about kids and food.  This is still an area I have problems with.  I'm sort of torn between trusting Jack to make good choices for himself or taking the other route of limiting (if not removing) certain types of foods.

I have recently read two wonderful books which can both be downloaded.  Mood Food and The Happy Child Guide.  I have written about both here on this blog.  Both ebooks strongly suggest the removal of certain foods. 

I can certainly see how the removal of certain types of foods will benefit him and the rest of our family.  I do of course want what is best for all of us. 

I have also just finished reading a book called Radical Unschooling by Dayna Martin.  Whilst I do not Unschool my own son I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.  As most of you reading this will know I am a law of attraction life coach specialising in teaching parents, teachers and anyone involved in the care of children how to use The Law of Attraction.  Dayna is clearly a wonderful, positive LOA MUM.  The philosophy for unschooling is that children learn what they want/need whenever they choose.  I'm not going to go into this too much as it's relatively new to me.  Dayna does a fantastic job at explaining how how her family unschool and live.  The point I want to get to is this.  The Unschooling Philosphy also spreads to food.  Unschoolers allow children to eat what they want and when they want.  Dayna also points out that her children mostly choose to come to the family table to eat meals with her and her husband whic is something I want for my family too.

So do we only allow our children to eat a healthy diet with sugars etc, removed or allow your children to choose for themselves?  And allow them to have whatever they want.

As a LOA MUM (law of attractoin mum) I always want my child to know he can be, have and do anything he wants.  Telling my son he can't have and is not allowed completely goes against my law of attraction training.

So I have a choice to make. 

Here's what I decided.  I want my son to know anything is possible and he can have all he wants.  That doesn't mean I have to provide all that he wants.  That is up to the Universe to sort out.  Using the Mood Food Ebook and The Happy Child Guide I have taken all of the information within these books and presented the facts to Jack in an easy way he will understand.  I have talked with him about the sort of foods I am now going to choose to eat and we have talked about foods he really enjoys eating.  Together we have worked out a way that we are both happy with.  I have decided to provide a wonderful selection of healthy foods. I will look for alternatives to his favourite foods.  Jack is also allowed to ask for foods he wants which I will buy or I will simply tell him to ask The Universe for whatever he wants.  Like I said earlier, it's not up to me to provide Jack with everything he wants.  If he really wants it he'll attract it into his life by himself.
I am happy that my needs/desires are being met and Jack is able to make good choices for himself.  We talk a lot about how different foods make us feel.

One area of the food issue I do feel extremelly strongly about is the clean plate.  I have never ever made Jack clean his plate.  By this I mean eat everything on his plate that was given to him.  A child who carries on eating when they are already full just to please their parents and clean the plate will become overweight.  Perhaps not now but these beliefs will stay with them and they will almost certainly face weight issues later in life. 

Try offering small meals with a good mix of things your child likes. 

I have found that if plenty of healthy food is offered and snacks are provided to keep hunger at bay and Jack is not bored he is more than happy to eat the foods I want him to eat.  We do allow all types of food in our home but I choose to encourage foods I know help my son feel good.

I'd love to hear your veiws on this issue.  Click on the comment button below and share your thoughts. 

Click on the links below for more information about the books mentioned.

Mood Food

The Happy Child Guide

As with all books I talk about on this blog, please take what feels right to you and leave the rest alone. 

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The Happy Child Guide

I  love it when I get the chance to share a really great product with you.  In this case the product is The Happy Child Guide Ebook. 

The Ebook alone is really wonderful and works.  I love reading all kinds of parenting books, articles, etc.  I always tell parents I coach to take what suits them and leave the rest.  I believe getting Ideas from these books is wonderful but perhaps some of the advice in theses books will not be the best way for you and your family.  I recently read a wonderful parenting book which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I took some of the ideas aboard and gave them a go and others did not fit with my beliefs, so I let them go.  I always suggest you do the same.

The Happy Child Guide is in my opinion spot on.  It's just a really nice and happy way of parenting that works. 

The publishers are currently offering free bonuses worth around $200.  I am told they are only going to be offering these bonuses for a short time, so if you're interested I would encourage you to take advantage of this offer now so that you don't miss out on the extras. 

For more information on The Happy Child Guide Click Here!

Be sure to click on the free presentation at the bottom of the page.  It's fantastic.

Let me know what you think and enjoy.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Mood Food

These days we are bombarded with health advice, diet information, food advertising, etc.  It's really hard to know what is good for us and what is not. 

I would never ever recommend a child (or adult) diet to lose weight.  I think the impact of these diets is damaging both to self esteem and body image.  I do however believe we should all take good care of our bodies and what we put into it.  Coming from someone who has a sweet tooth this isn't always easy.  I have always tried to provide a balanced diet for my children and teach them the value of eating healthily.

When I first came across Mood Food I didn't pay too much attention.  I thought it was just for children with behaviour problems.  I came across these ebooks again some time later and took a closer look.  This time I was more interested.  Could the foods we give our children really have such a dramatic effect?

I decided to order Mood Food.  The order consists of two ebooks.  The first Mood Food explains what happens in our body and why we need to eat well and avoid certain types of foods.  I was really impressed with this book because it gave me a clear picture of what really happens.  I have to say it gave me a whole new approach to what I choose to eat and provide for my family.  Instead of simply saying these foods are bad for you they explain what they are doing to your body.  When you have facts like these it's much easier to make good choices for yourself and your children.

Book 2 - The Happy Kitchen is designed to help you set your kitchen up for a happy food lifestyle.  It's broken down so that you can make small changes over a period of time, which I love.  All great things in life start with small steps.  There are recipes included too. 

What I like most about this book is it's about feeling good.  It's about making small positive changes and bringing back real food. 

I'm just starting on organizing my kitchen with the help of The Happy Kitchen Ebook.  I've already made several small changes.  They were easy to make and introduce into our lives.  We are already seeing and feeling the difference. 

You can find outmore about Mood Food and The Happy Kitchen CLICK HERE!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

The Money Spider

I want to share a story about my son.  Jack is 8 years old. 

Before I begin I want to explain what a money spider is to me.  A money spider is any tiny spider that happens to come into my presence, he is called a money spider. The money spider brings us money.  I have no idea if I made this up and nobody else knows about it or if it's something that other people know all about.  Anyway I like my idea.

Here's how the story goes.

We were getting out of the car the other day and Jack noticed a tiny spider.  He asked me to move it, so I put the tiny spider in our garden.  I told Jack it was a money spider and he asked what a money spider was.

I went on to tell him that money spiders bring you money and carried on with my day without really giving the conversation much thought.

Later that day Jack came over to me and asked when the money spider was going to bring him his money and how much would he bring. 

My heart filled with happiness at this moment.  As a law of attraction mum/coach I teach Jack to expect wonderful things.  He is now fully expecting to receive a large amount of money as a special gift from his money spider.  This is the law of attraction at it's best. 

In fact Jack often attracts money.  We rarely go out without him being given some money from a friend or he finds some money on the pavement etc.  He's a natural money magnet.  Why wouldn't he think it possible for a tiny spider to give him some special money.

Teach your children to expect wonderful things and they will attract those things into their lives. 

Thursday, 22 April 2010


EFT (Emotional Freedon Tecniques) is still a relatively unknown technique. 

EFT combines Mind Body Medicine and Accupuncture.  You could call EFT Mind Accupuncture. 

The Technique works by tapping with the fingers on certain Meridian Points. 

I love using EFT myself and I have also taught my son how to use EFT on himself.  Jack loves doing his tapping and usually makes it part of his bedtime routine.  He taps with his teddy bears too and occasionally on the dog.

Children have all kinds of issues to deal throughout their lives.  Sometimes Jack will come home and tell me about something that made him feel unhappy at school,  I'll listen to him talk and ask him about how it made him feel.  Rather than offering a solution I want him to release his anxiety about the issue.  I usually suggest he does a little tapping on the issue he has told me about. 

As a law of attraction coach I know that these little issues, if not dealt with can keep coming back throughout our lives as limiting/negative beliefs.  Now is the time to deal with the negative feeling it has caused.

I think EFT is something that can really help all families.  Today I'd like to share a couple of resources to help you get started with EFT.

You can get get a free getting started pack which covers the basics of using EFT.  For most people this will be more than enough for you to begin using EFT in your own life.

To get your Free Getting Started EFT Pack CLICK HERE
This is not particularly geared to using with children although it does mention some cases where EFT was used with children. 

Another wonderful resource for children is Tappy Bear.  If your children are anything like mine they'll love Tappy bear.  He's an adorable bear with Tapping points marked out on him so that your child can easily remember the tapping points. 

To find out more about Tappy Bear click on the image below

Please feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions.  I can also help you with using EFT in your own life and with your children.

Email me at

Happy Parenting.  Have Fun

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

This is my very first You Tube video.  I hope you like it.  Now I've done the first one, I'm hooked.  I'd love to answer some of your Law of attraction parenting questions.  Please email me at

Are You A Supermum?

I want to share a website I was recently invited to.  The name is SUPERMUMS. I think the name speaks for itself.  There's so much going on there.  It's a really good place to chat with other mums. 

Here's the link

Take a look for yourself.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Whenever we show gratitude we are raising our vibrations (we are feeling good).  The Universe/law of attraction responds by giving us more and more to be grateful for.

Kids love making things and THE GRATITUDE POSTER is a perfect law of attraction activity for all the family.

Get a large sheet of card.

Fill the card with pictures, photos, drawings, words that represent things that you (your child) are already grateful for in your life.

When it's made put it up somewhere your child can easily see it in bed.  This way they go to sleep with really happy and positive images in their mind and wake up to the poster too.  This has to be a great way for kids to start the day. 

You can add a photograph of yourself (your child) in the center of the poster.  Make sure it's a happy photo.
Give your child a camera and get them to take their own photographs of people, things, places they love.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Introducing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life FREE SKYPE WORKSHOP

Introducing The Law of Attraction Into Your Life is the first Free SKYPE Workshop in a series of 5.

(Pick and choose the ones you want to take part in or book them all)

We will look at the 3 step law of attraction process and ways to intorduce the law of attraction into your life.

Date: 22nd April 2010

Where: Worlswode (via Skype)

Time: 10am (GMT+1)

Duration 1 hour.

For more information and to book your place email me at

Places are limited to 8 callers

I hope you can join us.

Wendy x

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


LOA Living is now offering SKYPE COACHING CALLS.

My traditional telephone coaching package is for three hours (Used in time blocks of your choice)

When a client books telephone coaching with me they pay the call fees on top of the coaching fees.

Now with SKYPE Coaching available. Calls can be completely free.

If you haven't signed up for SKYPE yet. Head over to 

SKYPE is completely free to download and you can talk to other SKYPE users completely free of charge. You can also use it to make calls to ordinary landlines around the world much cheaper.

Most computers these days have built in microphones so no need to purchase anything. If you don't already have a microphone in your computer you can very cheaply buy a skype phone which plugs into your computer.

SKYPE COACHING CALLS are exactly the same as telephone coaching calls. When booking - Book the telephone package. It simply means no call charges.


I will be running a series of SKYPE WORKSHOPS very soon.

Workshops will be on the following:

1. Introducing the law of attraction into your life.

2. Law of attraction in business.

3. Law of attraction for relationships.

4. Law of attraction for big things and small things.

5. Parenting with the law of attraction.




Dates and times have yet to be arranged.

I intend to have approx 5-8 people on each call. There will be plenty of opportunity to speak up and ask questions etc.

Calls will last approximately 1 hour.


If you are interested in taking part in a SKYPE workshop please email me

  •  Let me have your SKYPE name/number. 
  • Tell me which workshops you are interested in taking part in.
  • Tell me where you are in the world and what time is best for you. (Please note that my time zone is GMT + 1.
I look forward to hearing from you.

For more information on ALL of my coaching packages and to learn more about the law of attraction please go to




Monday, 12 April 2010

Quickie - Fun New Facebook Group for Mums

I was invited to join this facebook group.  I did and wanted to share the link with you all.

Make a Genie Board

Many of you will have heard of vision boards or story boards.  A Genie Board is pretty much the same thing but for children.  Most children like the idea of having their own personal genie who can grant wishes. 

Here's what you need:

1 large sheet of card.  Let your child pick the colour.  Make it as big as possible.
Plain White card/paper.
Lots of brightly coloured pens/crayons
Lots of magazines/catalogues/old cards/photographs, etc


What to do:
(Your child may need some help with cutting and glueing etc, but I would ask you to please allow them to add whatever they want to the picture.  It really doesn't matter if you think it's impossible or not.  The important message here is that anything is possible and their are no limits)

1. Draw your Genie - Give him or her a name if you want.  Colour the picture in with whatever colours you like.
2. Place your Genie in the centre of the coloured card.
3. Now cut out and glue pictures of all the things you want around the edges.  Draw coloured lines from your Genie to your pictures/photo's etc.
4. You can also add words.
5. You can also add your own drawings to the board.

When you're finished put it up somewhere where you see it a lot.

Look at your board lots and pretend that you already have those things.  How happy will you feel when you get them?

Have fun with your Genie Boards. 

Perhaps you can send me in some pictures your own Genie Boards. 

Note For Parents

Let your children run wild with their Genie Boards.  Let them ask for anything they want.
It is not up to you to provide these things for your child and you certainly don't need to know where they will come from. 

Next time you are out shopping with your child and he/she asks for the latest toy.  Tell her it's great that she wants it.  Then tell him/her to ask the Genie or put it on the Genie board.

Your child may add new pictures or take pictures off at any time.  They may realise after a time that they're really not that interested in the latest toy and prefer something different.

If the board gets messy Just make a new one.

Important - Let your child decide what goes on the board.  The idea is for them to believe anything is possible. 

Before doing the Genie Board parents often say "But I know he/she will only put material items on the board."

Well so be it.  If that's all they can think of that's fine.

You can however make sure their are plenty of pictures of happy families, friends, words like love, friends, available.

If they don't choose these that's fine too.

A good idea is to do your own Genie Board.

You can add things connected to friends, family, love, spirituality, walks in beautiful parks, family get togethers, images of a beautiful garden etc.

As you work along side each other chat about your own Genie Board and ask questions about theirs too.

I hope you have a great time.

Share your comments below and please send me your pictures of your Genie boards or pictures of you making them.

Email me at

Big, Big Dreams are always worth having.


Tuesday, 30 March 2010

England, Family, Easter Eggs, Hot Cross Buns and lots of Shopping, Here I come!

Well I'm heading off to England later today with my son Jack.  Daddy Gets to stay home and have some quiet time for himself.  A house full of women (and Jack) is too much for him. 

I'm so excited about our trip.  I always love visiting at Easter.  I know mums already organized an Easter Egg hunt for Jack and my Niece.  She'll have decorated the house with Magical Easter Egg trees and such like and I can guarantee she'll have bought hot cross buns for breakfast.  Mmm, my favourite. 

We've got cinema trips planned. Jack has about 4 films picked out to go and see, lots of shopping and lots of family get togethers. 

I'm expecting to have a wonderful time and we love spending time with our family.

Have a wonderful Easter Everyone and have fun.

Expect to have fun today and everyday xx

Friday, 26 March 2010

Your Children Have Their Own Guidance System

Another beautiful message from Abraham Hicks

Set your child a good example.  When your child can clearly see you are trusting your own guidance system you aret eaching them and allowing them to trust their own guidance system. 

As a parent it is your job to create a safe and loving environment for your child to grow.  ALLOW them to follow their own guidance system and you consentrate on following yours.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

40 Quick Parenting Tips for fans of The Law of Attraction

Free Download from my friends at Zero Worry Parening


We've found it takes three steps:




Simple, huh? Almost too simple?

I thought so too, here's what it means.

STEP ONE is stop doing what you're doing, if it isn't going your way.

Makes sense? Not working => just let it be.

STEP TWO is about taking some specific action to turn things around.

STEP THREE is the easiest,: you simply hand the matter over to the Law of Attraction.

No more heavy lifting at that point!

But to get there, you need to know what those turnaround actions in the middle are, right?

That's why our friends at Zero Worry Parenting have gone and created this:




You can go download it now:

Forty quick tips you can write down into your phone, on a post-it note in your car, stick on your fridge...

All aiming at turning things around and inviting the Law of Attraction in the door.

Just pick one that 'calls out to you' and do it.

You don't need to even know why, it's enough that the Universe shows you where to go, and you take action!

See you soon!

Wendy Tomlinson

PS. We hear it all the time:

"If I knew what I could do differently to help my kids,

I'd do it in a flash".

Well, now you know!


PPS. The new era of Parenting according to the Law

of Attraction begins on Wednesday,

March 24th at 10 a.m. EST.

That's when the Zero Worry Parenting course opens its

floodgates of time-tested knowledge and easy-to-use tips.

Mark your calendar and get ready!

If you're not on the notification list yet, sign up here:


Saturday, 20 March 2010

Parenting with the Law of Attraction

I loved this video from Abraham Hicks.  When I first began using the law of attraction and teaching my own son Jack, I also struggled with this issue.  He'd constantly be asking for all the things he wanted and my insticts were to say "No,you can't have everything you want."  I also knew this was not how to teach him the law of attraction.

I couldn't tell him that the law of attraction would give him anything he wanted and then say no you can't have that thing that you want.

When as parents we realise that we are not responsible for delivering all that our children want we begin to really show them the law of attraction.

So the next time your child says can I have... and you have no intention of getting it for them just tell them "Sure you can, you can have anything you want.  Ask the Universe and wait for it to show up".  Now get out out of the way and let the law of attraction do the work for you and your kids.

Friday, 19 March 2010

What Is Your Kids Attraction Personality?

Did you know you have an Attraction Personality?

Well, you do!


And not just that, your kids have one too!

Don't worry, almost nobody else knows it either.

About 5000 to 8000 years ago, the ancients formulated three fundamental personality types, we all have one.

They are:




Depending on which one is dominant with your child, they will attract things differently to themselves.

And depending on what your type is, you and your kids mix and relate to each other in very different ways.

This of course begs the question...




We've gone and made it easy for you. So easy in fact, well... a kid could do it! :)

Just go to this page:


And you'll find a tool that calculates your kid's dominant personality type automatically.

Just take a minute to answer the twelve easy multiple choice questions, and you're done!

Have a great weekend, talk soon!

Wendy Tomlinson

on behalf of the Zero Worry Parenting team

PS. We haven't set any limits on how much you can use this cool f-ree tool. Use it on all your kids,

grandkids, godsons... even on yourself. You may find it very revealing, giving you a taste of what it's like

to have 'inside info' on how Universal Laws work and interact in our lives. Just go here:



Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Zero Worry Parenting FREE Report

Just wanted to post a quick reminder.  I've mentioned Zero Worry Parenting before.  You can still pick up your free copy of the 50 page report packed with ideas.  The new course is being launched later this month.  There way a delay in the launch as the response was so high and more was added to the course. 

To download the free 50 page report to Zero Worry Kids! Click on the link below.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Happy Mothering Sunday

I know we're not quite there yet.  Well at least here in Menorca it's still saturday night.  But we're all on different time Zones.  In UK it's mother's day on Sunday 14th March.  Even though it's not mother's day here in Spain where I live, we still celebrate this special day.  Being a mum is something I am so delighted to be and I think this day deserves celebrating.  So mum's everywhere, whether it's mother's day where you are or not celebrate being a mum.  YOU ARE AMAZING!

Happy Mother's Day xxx

Monday, 8 March 2010

Get A Personalized Letter From The Easter Bunny

Personalized Letters From The Easter Bunny

Go For Goals

Goal setting + The law of attration + kids = Magical SUCCESS!

Who wouldn't want that for their kids?  I know I do.  I bought Jack the GO FOR GOALS EBOOKS about a year ago.  He loves them and I think they're great. 

For more information on Go For Goals Click Here!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Kids Easter Fun

Easter will soon be here.  I have to admit I love Easter.  It usually involves a trip to stay with my mum in England and lots of family get togethers and of course lots of choclate and hot cross buns (yummy).

I wanted to share this Link with you for Kids Easter Activities.  I haven't managed to download yet as I don't have my printer etc set up after moving into our new home on monday but I have had things from this company before. 

Click Here! For Kids Easter Activites.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

A Different Way of Schooling

Traditional schooling is falling out of favor with many families each year.  I came across a good ebook I wanted to share with you. The Ebook is called Montessori Parents Guide.  For anyone looking for a different schooling option I think the Montessori way of schooling is a superb option and well worth conscidering.

You can read up about the ebook some more at

I would love to hear from anyone who has opted for a non traditional way of schooling.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Books To Read

I love reading books and have always loved to read parenting books.  The secret is to read them and take what you like and leave alone what you don't.  I particularly like to read books by other parents and how they parent their own children.  I mentioned a book I was reading a few days ago by Shmuley Boteach.  It's called Parenting with Fire.  It's been a really interesting book to read.  This is a Jewish family who follow their religion with pride and dedication.  The book does talk about their religion in connection with the family but is not a religious book.  This book is a parenting/family book.  Whilst I do not follow his religion or some of his parenting methods I think he has a strong family connection worth modeling (in your own way).

Getting ideas from a different viewpoint is a fantastic way to bring balance to your life.

Anyway, If your interested here are the details.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Press The Reset Button

Do you ever wish you had a reset button attatched to your kids?  In my home we all have a reset button.  Of course it's imaginary but we all know what it means when someone says "Press the reset button".

All of us are guilty of getting things out of proportion or behaving badly.  When Jack starts shouting and getting angry for no real reason I take hold of him and calmly say "You need to press the reset button".  He'll often march off to his room at this point but he comes out again in a much better mood. 

Pressing the reset button simply means changing your mood and thoughts so that they are positive and feel good.

The reset button is for everyone.  Jack is very keen to tell me when I need to press my reset button. 

Give it a go.  It works wonders.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Zero Worry Parenting

More news on the Zero Worry Parenting course.
I am now able to off you access to download a free owner's Manual.  It gives you much more information about the course.  I'm really excited about it and the people who are organising it are amazing. 

Click on the image below and it will take you to the page you need to get your own free Owner's Manual.
It's well worth the time.

Click Here for the Zero Worry Parenting FREE Owner's Manual

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Is Television Bad For Kids?

For years the debate about whether television is bad for kids or not has gone on.  I'm currently reading a book called Parenting With Fire by Shmuley Boteach - My American friends will probably know him as the host of Shalom In The Home.

It's a really good book and really get's you thinking about the family and the impact we have on our children.  Shmuley doesn't let his children watch any television through the week and only selected programs at the weekend.
This got me thinking.  Whilst I personally don't follow this idea, I do understand where he is coming from and respect his views on this subject.  My own son loves to watch television and especially films.  I myself love to snuggle up on the sofa with him and a great big blanket to watch a film together.  We always make it a special event.  And yes we do watch SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS and I agree it is mind numbingly stupid but it makes my son laugh and whilst they are ridiculous they are basically all good and friends.  He's also happy to sit with his dad and watch a documentary about how the largest ship in the world is made. 

For me it's a happy medium.  Television is certainly not the only thing he enjoys and it is not playing constantly so that we all have to shout above it.  For me I see no harm in having the television on whilst he's having a little quiet time in the afternoon.  Where I live in Spain, siestas are still common and quiet time after the midday meal is still the norm for adults and children.  Jack doesn't want to have a sleep and I don't really want him to either, but quiet time is good.  I like this custom.

So that's my take on the TV debate.  I've added a poll to the left for you to share your opinion.  Please take a minute to take part and as always please feel free to share your views with us all.  Just hit the comment button below.

Happy Parenting
