Saturday, 20 March 2010

Parenting with the Law of Attraction

I loved this video from Abraham Hicks.  When I first began using the law of attraction and teaching my own son Jack, I also struggled with this issue.  He'd constantly be asking for all the things he wanted and my insticts were to say "No,you can't have everything you want."  I also knew this was not how to teach him the law of attraction.

I couldn't tell him that the law of attraction would give him anything he wanted and then say no you can't have that thing that you want.

When as parents we realise that we are not responsible for delivering all that our children want we begin to really show them the law of attraction.

So the next time your child says can I have... and you have no intention of getting it for them just tell them "Sure you can, you can have anything you want.  Ask the Universe and wait for it to show up".  Now get out out of the way and let the law of attraction do the work for you and your kids.

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