Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Do You Need An Energy Boost?

I love Christmas but it can be super draining on our energy levels.  Take a look at my energy boosting idea.
Get an energy boost?

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Praise Your Children

Look for things to praise your children for.  So many parent (including me sometimes) spend so much time focusing on what their child is doing wrong they completely miss the things they do that are fine, great, wonderful.

When your child uses good manners, acknowledge it.  When your child plays nicely acknowledge it.  You get the idea.

Make your praise genuine or your kids will know.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Narnie And A Wonderful Evening.

Well it's been a short week for us here in Menorca as we've had fiesta's Monday and Wednesday.  Jack was off school til Thursday.  We went to see the new Narnia film.  It was brilliant.  I can always remember when my sister bought Jack the first of the (new) Narnia films on DVD.  A friend said "He'll either love it or hate it."  I was pretty sure he'd love it as I had done as a child.  He did.  It's a magical film of wonder and suprises.  It ticks all the boxes for me and obviously Jack too. 

After the film Jack asked if we could go into the play zone.  They have a variety of games that give you tickets depending on how well you've done.  We played a couple and then he spotted the duck game.  You have to knock over as many ducks as you can.  For each duck you get a ticket.  The machine was churning out tickets that fast and Jack was having so much fun, I couldn't resist handing him money for another go.  He put the coin in and nothing happened.  He politely went over to the desk and told the man.  He chatted to the man all the way back to the machine and thanked him when he'd mended it.  The man realised that the machine at the side of us was out of tickets.  He opened it up and pulled out a load of tickets that were jammed and handed them to Jack.  Jack's eyes lit up with excitement. 

When we counted up the tickets at the end of Jacks game we had enough to get a gorgeous Christmas reindeer (a soft squishy toy one).  That left Jack with 30 tickets left over.  He politely asked if he could get anything with 30 tickets. The man asked him if he would like a santa hat.  Jack was delighted as he knew the hats were supposed to be 150 tickets.  Not only did Jack get the hat, he also got the 30 tickets to keep for the next visit.  We both agreed that he was a very nice man and thanked him again before leaving.

It just goes to show being polite and friendly goes a long, long way. 

Have a wonderful week.  Have fun.

Wendy x