Friday, 17 June 2011

Review ~ Beyond Toddlerdom Tips by Dr. Christopher Green

I bought many books on parenting when my son was very small, now I tend to trust my own insticts.  I was recently having a sort out of my books and came across a little book that I love.  Dr. Christopher Green is a straight talking, practical kind of guy. There are no 'To be a perfect parent...' statements in hear, just common sense tips to keeping your 5 to 12 year olds on the rails (as he puts it).

Here are his top 15 secrets to successful parenting.

  1. Be available
  2. Routine and structure
  3. Consistent limits and rules
  4. Flexibility and compromise
  5. Choice and freedom
  6. Communicate early
  7. Ask, don't nag
  8. Notice the good
  9. Reward good behaviour
  10. Subtle rewards are the best
  11. Confrontation causes resentment
  12. Calm spreads calm
  13. Cool off and regain control
  14. Forgive and move on
  15. Don't stir up the animal
Dr. Christopher Green is one of Britain's best known parenting authors.  The thing I like so much about his writing is that he has learned from the parents he has worked with. 

I've had this book around 3 years now and it's looking well worn to say the least.  Picking it up again today I know this is a book that was well worth the money.  It saved me many, many headaches.

Toddler Taming is another superb book by Dr. Christopher Green it's a parents' guide to the first four years of your childs life.

1 comment:

  1. good book simply excellent, yet some on this subjects it is possible to look at
