Thursday, 30 September 2010

Chance To Get Free Coaching From A Happier Kids Now Expert.

The Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo has got an incredible line-up of speakers!

Have you signed up yet? It's free!

Here's just a FEW of the experts and their topics:

Scott Noelle - Help! I'm Turning Into My Parents!

Bob Proctor - Getting Out of The Way of Your Child's Greatness

Marci Shimoff - Happiness Secrets for Parents and Teachers

Bruce Lipton, PhD - The Science of Conscious Parenting

Marianne Williamson - Honoring Your Child's Spirit

Robin Sharma - Inspiring Our Future Leaders

Sonia Choquette - Bringing Intuition Home to Your Family

Bob Doyle - Modeling Happiness

Dr. Dan Yachter - Child Obesity, ADHD & Medications

Shelly Lefkoe - Nipping Negative Beliefs In The Bud

Randy Taran - Happy Teachers Equals More Successful Kids

Dr. Joe Rubino - Develop Soaring Self-Esteem in Kids

Rhonda Ryder - Law of Attraction and Parenting

Christine Carter, PhD - Emotional Literacy

Izzy Kalman - Transforming Bullies into Buddies

Patrick McMillan - An Emotional Fitness Program for Kids

Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan have been working on this Virtual Expo for nearly a year and they have done an incredible job bringing all of these experts together.

If you haven't done so already, sign up here to get your free access PLUS your complimentary ebook, Patrick McMillan's The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness.

Also, they have a special offer going on right now for 500 people...that I wanted to make sure you knew about. Tens of thousands of people are going to see this - so I wanted to share it with you while there's still time.

You see, Rhonda and Patrick have not only assembled a dream team of 26 experts speaking about matters so important to us as parents, teachers and influencers of children, they have also assembled an impressive list of twenty parenting and relationships coaches.

And so, if you decide to act on the special offer while it's still available, you will also receive a complimentary 30-minute parenting or relationship coaching session with your choice of over 17 amazing coaches.

Plus,if you are one of the 500, you will also receive - at zero cost -Rhonda's program which includes another 5 hours of training with 10 parents who are raising happy kids by using leading-edge parenting techniques.

When you sign up for your free access to the Expo, you will receive the details on the special upgrade opportunity in case this is something you want (before the big flood of parents and teachers jump on it).

So if you haven't done so already, sign up here for your free access to The Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo and your complimentary ebook now:

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Why Teens Rebel (it's not what you think - new video)

Things are really getting exciting over at The Happier Kids Now 2010 Expo, especially with the addition of Bob Proctor to their list of fabulous experts – all joining together to talk about the most important job in the world:

Raising Happy Kids and Teens!

The Expo takes place October 4 – October 21 – so if you haven’t done so already, make sure you go ahead and sign up for access.

It’s free!

Plus, you’ll get a copy of Happier Kids Now Co-founder Patrick McMillan’s ebook, The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness when you do.


Also, when you click on this link, you'll see a new video from Bob Doyle.

Patrick had the chance to sit down and do a video interview with Bob, one of the featured experts in the Happier Kids Now Online Expo.

Bob is a personal transformation expert and a father of three, AND a featured expert in the movie The Secret. Since 2002, his Wealth Beyond Reason and Boundless Living programs have allowed thousands
of people to reclaim their destiny and begin creating lives of true abundance and fulfillment.

Here’s just a taste of what Patrick discusses with Bob in the video:

**Why teenagers rebel (and it’s not what you think).

**How managing your emotions is the best way to help kids and teens learn the skills needed to lead an emotional healthy and fulfilled life.

**How to encourage your kids’ dreams, goals and passions (instead of squashing their spirit – despite your best intentions).

**What kids are REALLY learning from watching TV.

**The teacher’s role in a child’s life.

Check it out! It’s a great video and a rare opportunity to hear Bob talk about his views on kids and teens…and his own experience with his own children.

Here’s the link to the video again for your viewing pleasure.

Enjoy! And don't forget to sign up for the Expo plus the free ebook if you haven't already done so!

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

Monday, 27 September 2010

Law of Attraction EBook Available Now!

Yeah, finally I can tell you that my law of attraction Ebook is complete and available at

Whilst this isn't a parenting book I wanted to share my exciting news with you.  As many of you will know I am a LOA MUM.  I share the law of attraction with my own son (he's 9).  I am a life skills coach and a law of attraction practitioner.  I love sharing my knowledge with others through my coaching, blogs, website, courses and now this EBook.

It's packed with exercises to help you achieve success in ALL areas of life. 

I hope you enjoy reading and using this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Happy living


Guaranteed to Help Your Kids Live a Happy Life! (new video)

Wow, I can't believe we've been given yet another free video from the people at Happier Kids Now. 
Every morning before they leave for school, single dad Patrick McMillan and his two boys, Liam (9) and Hayden (12) do this one Gratitude Activity.

Listen to Patrick tell you all about it in his new video (it’s only 4 minutes):

Do they miss a morning here and there? Occasionally. But for the most part, this is their practice.

They each own a “Gratitude Journal” and every morning they think of five to ten things they are grateful for and write it down.

This is a great way to start your day. Try it – you will be amazed at the difference it makes in your mood. Then you can teach this simple process to your kids.

Just imagine if we started teaching our children how to focus on what they are grateful for. By the time they got to be teenagers, perhaps it would seem like second-nature.

Did you know it’s been scientifically proven that people who do this one Gratitude activity…

**Live longer

**Experience less illness

**Have longer lasting and more meaningful relationships

**Are more successful in business and academics

**Enjoy a greater satisfaction with their life

Find out what Gratitude Activity this is by watching the video so you can help your kids develop life-long habits of gratitude.

This video has been shared with us by Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan ~Your Happier Kids Now Expo Hosts

I love this video and and so thankful to Rhonda and Patrick

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

P.S. Check out the Speaker Calendar to find out the speakers and their topics during the Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo – Oct 4 – Oct 21. Webcast and call-in details will be emailed to you prior to each call.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Self Esteem Video For Kids

Wow, the organizer's of The Happier Kids Online Expo are really being generous right now.  Yesterday we received the wonderful free EBook (The ultimate kid's guide to happiness) and today they're sharing brilliant video to help with boosting our kids self esteem.

You can pick up  a copy right here

The video is by one of the Speakers on the Online EXPO - Shelly Lefkoe.

So simple yet so powerful.  Please take a few minuts right now to watch the video.  I know you'll be pleased you did.

Here's to happy parents and kid's everywhere.

Wendy x

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Free Ebook plus FREE access to Happier Kids Now Expo

This is so exciting.  You may remember a little while ago I told you about an up and coming event.  It's called The Happier Kids Now Online Expo.
The Happier Kids Now Online Expo is a FREE Interview Series hosted by Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan providing a wealth of life-changing information from 24 happiness, self-esteem, health and education experts.

It’s specifically designed for parents, teachers and homeschoolers.

And, when you sign up for access to the event (at zero cost!), you’ll receive a complimentary copy of Patrick’s popular Ebook, The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness.

The line-up of speakers is incredible and includes Bruce Lipton, PhD; Marianne Williamson; Bob Doyle; Marci Shimoff, Sonia Choquette; Christine Carter, PhD, Shelly Lefkoe, Dr. Dan Yachter…plus 16 more!

These leaders will cover current challenges such as child obesity; child/teen depression; ADHD, autism and nutrition; how to help kids do better in school…and solutions such as teaching kids the power of their minds; emotional intelligence, character building, positive parenting and so much more.

As you probably would agree, many parents and teachers are stressed out and overwhelmed these days. This leaves its toll on kids and teens.

Plus, statistics show childhood anxiety and depression levels are rising at alarming rates.

Giving parents and teachers the strategies and tools to instill optimism and self-confidence in their children and teens is the mission of the Happier Kids Now Online Expo.

So don’t miss out. Grab your totally FREE Online Pass to this amazing event – plus grab Patrick’s Ebook now!

Happy Parenting


P.S. Help spread the word about this event. Please share this email with every parent and teacher you know!

Saturday, 18 September 2010


Hi Everyone,

I'm so excited to tell you my news.  I have just launched LOA SHOP
I love discovering new law of attraction (and related) products, so I decided it was time to share my products/resources and products/resources I use. 

I hope you'll come along and visit us and keep coming back.  I'll be adding regularly.

There's a special catagory (see left hand side) just for Parents and Kids.

Check out LOA SHOP at

I hope you enjoy shopping with us.


Thursday, 16 September 2010

Confidence is Growing

I'm feeling very pleased with my little man this morning.  He decided he wanted to walk to school by himself.  Well when I say that, what I actually mean is I drive him to school (we live too far from school to walk or bike) and park up in the nearby car park.  I walked with him to the crossing by the school and then he went in by himself which meant he also had around 10 minutes in the playground by himself. 

For Jack this is a major breakthrough and a sure sign of growing confidence.  I have to say I thought I could be walking him into school at 16. 

But you know what that would have been fine too.  All kids are different and that's how it should be.  Who wants a load of clones?  Sure most of the kids have been going in by themselves for ages now but there are still others who want their parents to wait with them.  Our children will be adults before we know it.  There's no rush. 

Please don't rush your children into growing up.  They will do it when they are good and ready.  They will feel good about the move from little kid to big kid and so will you, even if the thought of them no longer needing you is a little scary.

Confidence building tips:
  • Let your child know you support their choices
  • Encourage your child to be himself/herself
  • Encourage your child to talk about friends, school, likes, dislikes, feelings...
  • LISTEN.  Letting your child know they are important enough to give them all of your attention for a while gives kids a huge confidence boost.
  • Make things fun
  • Give lots of genuine praise
Happy Parenting


Monday, 13 September 2010

First Day Back To School.

Today is Jack's first day back to school.  He's still at the same school but he's got a new classroom (in THE BIG KIDS side of the school), a new teacher and the kids were all mixed up this year, so he's with some new kids and some from last years class.  Thankfully he's got his two best friends from last year with him. 

We had to go and wait in a new playground (patio) and Jack's teacher from last year came along to take Jack and his old class to their new rooms.

It was really emotional and I'm counting down the minutes until I can go and collect him.  It feels like a whole new chapter to our lives is starting and I suppose this is the start of Jack becoming A BIG KID too.  I'm pleased and a little bit sad.  I'm also looking forward to seeing what this new chapter will bring us.  It's that in between stage between being a kid and becoming a teenager. 

I'm off now to start getting ready for the school run.  Yes, I am 15 minutes early still but I can't wait any longer.

Have fun

Wendy x

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Goals For Kids

Now is a great time to help your kids set goals for the coming school year.  I've been using GO FOR GOALS for a couple of years now and Both my son and I love the fun exercises. 

As a law of attraction coach and an LOA MUM I have often thought about writing an E-Book for childen but I have to say I'd rather just tell you about this E-Book instead.  It's brilliant and it works.

I became an affiliate for Go for Goals shortly after I started to use it with my own son.  I was that impressed.  So this is how it works.  I tell you how great it is, if you like the sound of it click on the image below or this link you can read more information about the E-Books and if you decide to buy them I get a thank you cheque for telling you about Go for Goal.  So I'm happy and I'm pretty sure you'll be happy too. 

You win and I win. Most importantly our kids win.

So what have you got to loose, click on the image or link to read more.

Happy Parenting

Wendy x

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

You Are The Best Person To Decide What's Right For Your Family

You know what?  When I was a new mum I was bombarded with information on how to be the best parent.  I had well meaning advice from friends, family and of course the professional advice from the health visitor.  You get the idea I'm sure. 

Result - A very confused new mum.

I tried to do what I thought other people expected me to do.  I did this for the first 4 years of my sons life before I woke up and realised that I didn't need to try and please anyone else.

My point is, as parents we are the best people to know what is right for our families. Once I worked that out I became a much happier mum. 

You see what's right for the super mum next door and her perfect family is not what's right for you.  And what was right for your own parents almost certainly will not fit with your own family.  I had a great childhood and great parents but that still doesn't mean their way works for me and my family.

Do what works for you and your family and enjoy being the best parent you can be for YOUR KIDS.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Discipline - My Style

Wow, I can't believe we're already in September.  Although I have to say I'm thankful for the slightly cooler weather now.  I hope your still enjoying what's left of the summer holidays.

I was asked to write a series of How To... articles recently.  The idea is that the company gives me a title and I write an article for them.  I had 3 articles to complete this week.  The first two were no problem but the final one took a lot more though for me.  You see the title was HOW TO DISCIPINE CHILDREN.  I have to admit this is not an article title I wouyld ever have chosen myself but that's what it was and I needed to write an article. 
After several false starts I eventually wrote, what I conscider to be a great article.  Today I want to share a brief outline of "My style of discipline for children."

  • Only you know what works in your family and what's important to you.
  • Decide what is important and make them ground rules
  • Let your children know what the ground rules are.  Be clear about what you want
  • Be flexible (OCCASSIONALLY the ground rules can bend)
  • Be fair
  • Praise your child
  • Lead by example (be a great role model)
  • Make time for fun
  • Make time to really listen
If your child does misbehave:
  • Look at your own behaviour first.  Is your child reacting to your behaviour?
  • Do they need something?  Food, drink, a hug, sleep...
  • Tell them what you want and keep repeating/reminding.
  • Find out why?  Sometimes your child will simply find what they are doing fun.  If it's not okay with you explain why.
  • Say thank you for the behaviour you want
  • No means No.  If you say no, then mean it and stick to it.
  • Time out.  Time away from what they want to do in a safe place next to you, to calm down.
  • Reminder of what you want
  • ALWAYS treat your child with LOVE, KINDNESS and RESPECT
For me the last point is the most important.  Always treat your child with love, kindness and respect.  This is the way they learn to treat you, their friends and others they meet the same way.

I really hope you enjoy today's post.  As always please feel free to contact me on

Happy parenting


P.S. I love to hear from you.  Please leave your comments below.  I always read them.