Friday, 27 August 2010

Go With The Flow

Wow, what a great day we had yesterday for JM's birthday.  It was a day of allowing for me.  I have to admit I normally want everything planned but this year I decided to go with the flow.  Nothing happened the way I thought it would but that was okay.  The party started at 1pm not 1.30 as I had planned and that was okay.  Some people arrived very late and that was okay.  Some people didn't stay as long as we expected and that was okay too.  The party went on until 6pm and JM told me it was the best birthday ever. 
When we allow the Universe to deliver what it knows to be the best for us instead of having to do what we think is best for us we have an AWESOME TIME.

Thank you Universe.


Monday, 23 August 2010


It's birthday week.  JM will be 9 years old on Thursday.  He's growing up so fast.  Today we've been party shopping.  We're having his party at home (his choice) and he's invited a fantastic mix of friends.  I am happy to say that my son has friends ranging from little tots to people in their late 70's and loves spending time with them all.  We have around 15 children coming and 15-20 adults. 

So today we've bought a piƱata and loads of toys and sweets to go inside.  We bought ballons, and shiny flag banners to decorate the garden, Wall.E plates and cups.  I managed to talk him out of the loud noisey hooter things as I thought the neighbours wouldn't appreciate the noise.

I managed to get some of the party food today but the rest will have to wait until Wednesday.  Thank goodness Granny is flying in Wednesday morning to help. 

Well I'd better get off.  Lots to do this week

Have a fabulous week and have FUN!


Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Happy Kids EXPO

Every now and again I receive information that stops me in my tracks. This morning I received an an email telling me about the Happier Kids Now Online EXPO.  It looks great.  I've already watched a fabulous interveiw with BOB DOYLE (from the secret)  and I have more to watch later.  Anyway I really wanted to share this with you all.  Just click on the link below to find out why I'm making a fuss about this.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

I'm Declaring Today a HUG A LOT DAY

It's official. Well sort of. We've had a hectic few weeks, lots of family visiting, fiestas (village party, late nights, rubbish food and fizzy drinks. What a combination. A time bomb in the making.

I have to admit I was getting a little stressed and a few raised voices were to be heard in our home.

However we reached breaking point the other day and I could see I was letting my son down big style. He was being told off constantly yet my husband and I were not providing what he needs to be at his best.

After a long chat with my husband and a diet, sleep rethink we are back on track.

He's almost back to his normal self. Except for still being tired. So that's why I'm declaring today a HUG A LOT DAY.

Happy Parenting (sometimes takes a major rethink)
