Tuesday, 30 March 2010

England, Family, Easter Eggs, Hot Cross Buns and lots of Shopping, Here I come!

Well I'm heading off to England later today with my son Jack.  Daddy Gets to stay home and have some quiet time for himself.  A house full of women (and Jack) is too much for him. 

I'm so excited about our trip.  I always love visiting at Easter.  I know mums already organized an Easter Egg hunt for Jack and my Niece.  She'll have decorated the house with Magical Easter Egg trees and such like and I can guarantee she'll have bought hot cross buns for breakfast.  Mmm, my favourite. 

We've got cinema trips planned. Jack has about 4 films picked out to go and see, lots of shopping and lots of family get togethers. 

I'm expecting to have a wonderful time and we love spending time with our family.

Have a wonderful Easter Everyone and have fun.

Expect to have fun today and everyday xx

Friday, 26 March 2010

Your Children Have Their Own Guidance System

Another beautiful message from Abraham Hicks

Set your child a good example.  When your child can clearly see you are trusting your own guidance system you aret eaching them and allowing them to trust their own guidance system. 

As a parent it is your job to create a safe and loving environment for your child to grow.  ALLOW them to follow their own guidance system and you consentrate on following yours.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

40 Quick Parenting Tips for fans of The Law of Attraction

Free Download from my friends at Zero Worry Parening

==> http://www.parenting4happykids.com/blog/quickies/?10019

We've found it takes three steps:




Simple, huh? Almost too simple?

I thought so too, here's what it means.

STEP ONE is stop doing what you're doing, if it isn't going your way.

Makes sense? Not working => just let it be.

STEP TWO is about taking some specific action to turn things around.

STEP THREE is the easiest,: you simply hand the matter over to the Law of Attraction.

No more heavy lifting at that point!

But to get there, you need to know what those turnaround actions in the middle are, right?

That's why our friends at Zero Worry Parenting have gone and created this:




You can go download it now:
==> http://www.parenting4happykids.com/blog/quickies/?10019

Forty quick tips you can write down into your phone, on a post-it note in your car, stick on your fridge...

All aiming at turning things around and inviting the Law of Attraction in the door.

Just pick one that 'calls out to you' and do it.

You don't need to even know why, it's enough that the Universe shows you where to go, and you take action!

See you soon!

Wendy Tomlinson

PS. We hear it all the time:

"If I knew what I could do differently to help my kids,

I'd do it in a flash".

Well, now you know!

==> http://www.parenting4happykids.com/blog/quickies/?10019

PPS. The new era of Parenting according to the Law

of Attraction begins on Wednesday,

March 24th at 10 a.m. EST.

That's when the Zero Worry Parenting course opens its

floodgates of time-tested knowledge and easy-to-use tips.

Mark your calendar and get ready!

If you're not on the notification list yet, sign up here:

==> http://www.zeroworryparenting.com/gift/?10019

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Parenting with the Law of Attraction

I loved this video from Abraham Hicks.  When I first began using the law of attraction and teaching my own son Jack, I also struggled with this issue.  He'd constantly be asking for all the things he wanted and my insticts were to say "No,you can't have everything you want."  I also knew this was not how to teach him the law of attraction.

I couldn't tell him that the law of attraction would give him anything he wanted and then say no you can't have that thing that you want.

When as parents we realise that we are not responsible for delivering all that our children want we begin to really show them the law of attraction.

So the next time your child says can I have... and you have no intention of getting it for them just tell them "Sure you can, you can have anything you want.  Ask the Universe and wait for it to show up".  Now get out out of the way and let the law of attraction do the work for you and your kids.

Friday, 19 March 2010

What Is Your Kids Attraction Personality?

Did you know you have an Attraction Personality?

Well, you do!

==> http://www.parenting4happykids.com/blog/zwp-tool/?10019

And not just that, your kids have one too!

Don't worry, almost nobody else knows it either.

About 5000 to 8000 years ago, the ancients formulated three fundamental personality types, we all have one.

They are:




Depending on which one is dominant with your child, they will attract things differently to themselves.

And depending on what your type is, you and your kids mix and relate to each other in very different ways.

This of course begs the question...




We've gone and made it easy for you. So easy in fact, well... a kid could do it! :)

Just go to this page:

==> http://www.parenting4happykids.com/blog/zwp-tool/?10019

And you'll find a tool that calculates your kid's dominant personality type automatically.

Just take a minute to answer the twelve easy multiple choice questions, and you're done!

Have a great weekend, talk soon!

Wendy Tomlinson

on behalf of the Zero Worry Parenting team

PS. We haven't set any limits on how much you can use this cool f-ree tool. Use it on all your kids,

grandkids, godsons... even on yourself. You may find it very revealing, giving you a taste of what it's like

to have 'inside info' on how Universal Laws work and interact in our lives. Just go here:

==> http://www.parenting4happykids.com/blog/zwp-tool/?10019


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Zero Worry Parenting FREE Report

Just wanted to post a quick reminder.  I've mentioned Zero Worry Parenting before.  You can still pick up your free copy of the 50 page report packed with ideas.  The new course is being launched later this month.  There way a delay in the launch as the response was so high and more was added to the course. 

To download the free 50 page report to Zero Worry Kids! Click on the link below.


Saturday, 13 March 2010

Happy Mothering Sunday

I know we're not quite there yet.  Well at least here in Menorca it's still saturday night.  But we're all on different time Zones.  In UK it's mother's day on Sunday 14th March.  Even though it's not mother's day here in Spain where I live, we still celebrate this special day.  Being a mum is something I am so delighted to be and I think this day deserves celebrating.  So mum's everywhere, whether it's mother's day where you are or not celebrate being a mum.  YOU ARE AMAZING!

Happy Mother's Day xxx

Monday, 8 March 2010

Get A Personalized Letter From The Easter Bunny

Personalized Letters From The Easter Bunny

Go For Goals

Goal setting + The law of attration + kids = Magical SUCCESS!

Who wouldn't want that for their kids?  I know I do.  I bought Jack the GO FOR GOALS EBOOKS about a year ago.  He loves them and I think they're great. 

For more information on Go For Goals Click Here!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Kids Easter Fun

Easter will soon be here.  I have to admit I love Easter.  It usually involves a trip to stay with my mum in England and lots of family get togethers and of course lots of choclate and hot cross buns (yummy).

I wanted to share this Link with you for Kids Easter Activities.  I haven't managed to download yet as I don't have my printer etc set up after moving into our new home on monday but I have had things from this company before. 

Click Here! For Kids Easter Activites.