Monday, 15 November 2010

Decide What's Important And Set Clear Guidelines (House Rules)

All families are different.  We all have different things that are important to us and we all have different commitments such as work, school activities, etc. Only you the parent/s can decide what house rules fit your own family.

NOTE: I am a firm believer in doing what works for you and your family.  What works wonderfully for the Jones family across the road could be a very bad match for your own family. 

Top Tips

  • Sit down and decide what is important to you.  Perhaps early bedtimes and healthy meals are important to you but sitting at the table isn't.  Only you can decide.
  • Once you know what's important set your house rules. Don't go overboard though.  Nobody likes every minute of the day to be taken up by rules. 
  • Let everyone in the household know the house rules.  Be clear about what each rule means and give examples whenever possible.
  • Stick to the rules.  Kids and teens need consistency. 
  • Evaluate the rules every few months to see if they still fit your family.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

The New Harry Potter Film

I'm so excited about the new Harry Potter film.  It's amazing to think that I took our older son to see the first one when I was pregnant with Jack.  Jacks 9 now and can't wait to see if SNAPE really is the bad guy.  I think he'll turn out to be good after all. 

I heard yesterday that J.K. Rowling has hinted there could be another film.  I know this one is in two parts but really as much as I love them I hope that's the end of it. 

These Harry Potter items make great Christmas presents

Monday, 8 November 2010

Free Coaching Session

I'm feeling generous. For 1 week I'm offering you the chance to get 1 free email coaching session for free. You can use the session to focus on any area of your life.

Email me at and let me know you want to take up this offer.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Bullies To Buddies

The media is finally giving attention to something that has needed attention for decades: Bullying. The more people talk about this serious problem...the faster we can help children who are being bullied (and children who are doing the bullying as well).

Which is why Rhonda Ryder and Patrick McMillan of the Happier Kids Now 2010 Online Expo have decided to re-post the interview they did with Izzy Kalman from Bullies to Buddies.

This was an often shocking interview that you will not want to miss. Many people (including myself) have shared how powerful Izzy's approach is...and the folks at Happier Kids Now want as many people as possible to hear it.

Only the other day Jack came home and was upset about a girl he was sitting next to in class who was being mean to him.  I used the skills I had learned from Izzy in the recording to show Jack through role play how to handle the situation.  He quickly picked up on how easy the technique was.

If you know ANYONE who has a child suffering from being bullied, or a child who is engaging in bullying behavior, please tell them to sign up right away so they can get access to this interview.

I'm not sure how long the free interview will be posted so tell them to hurry:

Plus, when you or a friend signs up, you'll also receive a copy of Patrick's ebook, "The Ultimate Kids Guide to Happiness" as a gift.

These interviews and materials are changing lives.

"Many of the speakers brought me to tears with their words of love and peace and healing. I hope that enough people will get this very important message and that it will change the world for children so that children can be safe and secure and happy." -Alysia

Please spread the word!


P.S. Sign up here to listen to Izzy Kalman's interview now - at no cost to you (there are other incredible Replays to listen to as well).