Friday, 11 December 2009

Happy Christmas Wishes

Happy Christmas Everyone!  Today is my last blogging day before I head off on my Christmas Travels.  I'm not leaving until Tuesday but I know I'm going to be super busy on Monday and I didn't want to miss saying Happy Christmas to you all.

I want to quickly mention my law of attraction blog
All this week I've been adding posts about how to create your ideal Christmas. I really hope you'll drop by and take a look.  Even though I say so myself they really are great posts.

Christmas is a magical time of the year.  Decorations, celebrations, gifts, family gatherings and letters to Santa.  Children understand the magic of Christmas.  New toys will be opened and played with, food will be eaten but the thing your children will treasure the most is the time you spend with them.  In all the preparations that come with Christmas remember that the real magic is the love we share.

Have a magical Christmas

My love and blessings to all of you

Wendy x

Monday, 7 December 2009

Don't Worry About Your Kids So Much - They Don't Need It

It's a big dangerous world out there, full of nasty people and things to hurt our children. Why wouldn't we worry about them? After all they're inexperienced, vulnerable and defenceless.

Okay, there are times when you should worry but most of the time we worry for the sake of worrying.

Over-worried parents become over-protective parents and that's just going to restict your child and make them anxious.

Worrying to much about your children can actually be destructive. It can limit the development of the children and it can have a negative impact on the quality of the parenting you are able to provide.

From a law of attraction point of view (what we focus on we attract) the very thing that you worry about is in fact what you are attracting.

So if you worry that your child will fall if he climbs - you are giving it your focus = You are putting a strong message out to the universe to bring about a fall for your child.  This is NOT a result you would ever want for your child.

As you probably already know I'm a huge fan of hypnosis to help with all negative beliefs, thoughts, habits.
I particularly recommend hypnosis for this area as it really is vitally important we control our worrying so that we are not attracting the very things we are worrying about.

How hypnosis can transform your anxious fears into realism

Worry less about your children is an audio hypnosis session for parents or guardians. Using the latest psychological understandings and the transformative power of hypnosis, this session will get you relaxing in ways you would never have thought possible. You will physically experience the effects of reducing worry in your body and in your brain.

Regular listening to this powerful session will allow you to develop a wonderfully calm, clear and objective attitude to the risks and opportunities of life - for yourself as well as for your children. You will discover how being less concerned about them actually makes you better able to recognize the risks that your children will meet, and how to deal with them effectively.

To learn more about this particular hypnosis download and others Click Here!

I have personally used this download with amazing results.  I want the best for my kids and I know you do too.  I look back and I can see the things I worried about often ended up happening.  Now I am able to thing positively about situations I view things differently and focus on what I want to happen.

That's all from me for today.  I'm off in search of Jack's Nintendo charger.  1 week and 1 day until holidays and a very long flight, we need the charger!  So we're playing the CHARGER HUNT game instead of the BEAR HUNT game.  Well, we have to be creative or we'll never get it done.

Have fun


Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Feel Good Christmas Movie

My little fella is feeling poorly, he's been off colour since Sunday.  When my mum phoned yesterday to check on him she insisted I give him the Advent present she'd sent for him a day early to cheer him up. 

The advent present she'd sent was the SANTA BUDDIES dvd .  We put it the film on immediately and it certainly made him feel better for a little while.  Jack loves the BUDDIES and he's got the whole collection now and they're all great.

I wanted to share this with you just because it's such a great feel good movie, focusing on the true meaning of Christmas.  I think sometimes we can all use this particular message.

Anyway, it's the 1st of December and I'm looking forward to Christmas with my lovely family.  We're heading to Florida again for Christmas so Christmas officially starts for us on the 15th.  We don't buy so many presents these days we focus on having a great time together and having fun. 

I want to wish you all an amazing, magical Christmas.